How to maximise your chances of a successful rental application!

Vacancy rates have been airtight in recent years.Capital cities and regions alike have seen vacancy rates hovering around the 1% mark for a long time now as a shortage of available properties is perpetuated by slow construction, increased immigration, a reduction in borrowing power for would-be buyers and a whole lot of properties being taken…Read More→

Property wear and tear vs Tenant damage

Rental markets across Australia have never been so competitive. Tenants will feel vulnerable because landlords seem to hold all the cards. But there is also plenty of financial risk for landlords if their properties aren’t properly looked after. One of the most common areas of dispute is the difference between fair wear and tear and…Read More→

Maintenance Matters- A Comprehensive Approach to Rental Property Upkeep

Staying in good physical shape can help you live longer and enjoy life. Meanwhile, having your car regularly serviced will help it run smoothly, without breaking down and needing costly repairs. So, it makes sense to take care of the other significant assets in your life – like your investment properties. Payments for repairs and…Read More→