How to maximise your chances of a successful rental application!
Vacancy rates have been airtight in recent years.Capital cities and regions alike have seen vacancy rates hovering around the 1% mark for a long time now as a shortage of available properties is perpetuated by slow construction, increased immigration, a reduction in borrowing power for would-be buyers and a whole lot of properties being taken…Read More→
Property wear and tear vs Tenant damage
Rental markets across Australia have never been so competitive. Tenants will feel vulnerable because landlords seem to hold all the cards. But there is also plenty of financial risk for landlords if their properties aren’t properly looked after. One of the most common areas of dispute is the difference between fair wear and tear and…Read More→
How to avoid common rental property tax mistakes
It’s that time of year again, where you can, hopefully, get a little bit of coin back from the tax man and use it to invest further or clear some troublesome expenses. But you want to make sure July is a time of many happy returns, rather than paying more than you budgeted for.Remember, landlords…Read More→
Why you should consider hiring a property manager
So, you’ve bought an investment property and are looking at your options for managing it. Should you hire a property manager or go it alone?
If you are looking to move straight in this property…Read More→
If you are looking to move straight in this property…Read More→
1 14 Scott Peak Dr Capella QLD 4723
This 4-bedroom low-set home is situated at the end of…Read More→
1 14 Scott Peak Dr Capella QLD 4723
This 4-bedroom low-set home is situated at the end of…Read More→
32 Wey Street BLACKWATER QLD 4717
Do not miss out on this little humble home on…Read More→